Thursday, May 28, 2009


Her arms are ivory
Her smile, dazzling as the Goddess
Who rules on high
And plays with the peacock
Between pet and lady,
There is grace, so divine.

Her wit is outstanding.
Her eyes sparkle
Like a rose, blazing in the heavens,
Which came forth from Ron's wand.
A spell that adores,
For her friendship is magical.

Her voice refreshes
Her tongue, doubly gifted,
Defeats the copycats;
De Espadanya is left behind.
Boys run, and men limp to pursue her
Because her laughter is priceless.

Zeus or Harry,
I am not.
Tiburcio is my name
If lightning is slow
Or spells are realistic.
But I speak of a character
Whose existence is true.

I sing of a lady
Who's simple, yet has a lot to show the world.
May the Creator of her story
The Author of her book
Bring her to the kingdom
Where she'll see eternity.

Someday. Someday...
For now, may
My friend live on
And enjoy the literature of life.

A poem for one of my best friends, Katrina Favis. I failed to greet her on time when she turned 19. This is my compensation.

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